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Do you realign your chakras in the morning?


High and happy Monday,

Since March 2020 I’ve been going on IG Live 2-3 times a week in hopes of being there for all of you, my friends, my community, through whatever each week brought us during the beginning of those “uncertain times.” Always with the deepest intention that “Morning Meddy” would be a space to share my practice with all of you in it’s imperfect, but reliable way of navigating me closer to a sense of inner “balance,” and direction. Almost three years later, and it’s still one of my favorite parts of the week! An almost hidden secret of mine since I NEVER promo it or talk about it, so I decided to change that.

I’m going to experiment with different ways I want to share recaps for those who couldn’t make it live and to attract new friends to our meddys, so hope you enjoy coming on the ride with me! Any suggestions on what you think could work are greatly appreciated, this is your space as much as mine.


Enjoy this morning’s meddy mini recap for a soothing intro to your day. We’re aligning our chakras through our breath baby! Follow along and enjoy <3

Talk to you soon, love you mean it!


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Highlites': Necessary Reminders
Danielle Olivarez